Torso and waist: Altitude
Head and arms: Iron Grenadier
Legs: Zartan v3
Backpack: Ripper
Weapons: Airtight, Dr. Mindbender (accessory pack), Sonic Viper (gold Annihilator machinegun)

When confronted with the Eco Wars fought between specialist Cobra and G.I. Joe teams, Destro sought to profit from them by investing in chemical weaponry development and creating a chemical warfare division within his own army in order to compete with the major players in the field.

I created this figure, which is my first custom, because I had an Iron Grenadier torso lying around and couldn't let it go to waste. After searching the Internet for original parts to complete the figure I found that the costs would exceed my budget.

I have tried to take into account the various colorschemes of all divisions of Destro's Army and stick to the maximum of four colors for original G.I. Joe figures. Regarding the latter, I have to admit that the figure ended up with five colours because I chose to preserve the original silver paint on the chest as they now resemble straps of the silvery grey backpack.

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