Head: Cast
Torso: ?
Upper arms: Lowlight
Lower arms: Cobra Commander
Upper legs: Recondo
Lower legs: Cobra Trooper
Pack: Duke
Vest: Firefly

Metal Head started his career as a member of the R&D, Research and Development, branch of M.A.R.S. Industries. His penchant for over the top explosions and voice operated munitions brought him to the attention of Destro. Metal Head soon found himself in a world he did not know existed, the black market arms industry and private army type of world.

Now Metal Head's focus is creating the most destructive weapons on the planet to use against, Joes, Cobra, the undead, or anyone & anything that would stand in the way of the Iron Grenadiers.

To teach, improve, share, entertain and showcase the work of the customizing community.