Head: cast
Torso and left upper arm: MU Drax
Lower left arm: comic War Machine
Waist and legs: movie War Machine
Right upper arm: Cable, lower arm cut off and a hole drilled to accept lower arm, with an added armor bit
Right lower arm: movie War Machine
Chest piece: cast piece of HALO armor cut in half and cut to fit with an added piece of armor
Right shoulder pads: Duke shoulder pad, movie War Machine
Hook: Chap Mei pirate hook with the hook cut off and replaced with a McFarlane Angela hook
Left shoulder pad: Iron Grenadier
Belt: Chap Mei pirate modded with added chain and a piece of ROC Neoviper armor to cover holes on back of belt
The chest straps: flexrex painted over with matte black
Trapjaw is an amalgamation from an unholy alliance between the twisted minds of Dr. Mindbender, Hotwire, and Overkill. Just as the dead were beginning to roam the Earth the three came together in an attempt to create an ultimate soldier capable of battling and surviving the undead.
Unfortunately his brainwashing / programming was immediately forgotten and Trapjaw gained independence. He went on to slaughter all that stood before him; Cobra Troopers, Lab Rats, and BATs.