Head: Spirit '92
Torso: Quick Kick '85
Arms: Zangief '93
Waist: Lifeline '94
Legs: Lifeline '94
Crossbow: Night Creeper '90
Sword: Unknown
This was my second entry for the 48 hour LBC contest from the Custom Celebration IX.
I wanted to do something with the Air Commando Spirit head, you don't see that head being used a lot. I didn't think of a specific Spirit version when I started, so I just started searching for red and white parts that could be useful for a LBC. Zangief arms are rarely seen in customs as well and hey, Quick Kick has red and bare skin too!
Some white and red on the legs to match the head band: check.
That combination obviously shows a martial arts kind of figure, Ninja Force suits this Spirit best.