Head: AVAC cast
Torso, upper arms: RoC Neo Viper
Lower arm (r): Retaliation Firefly
Lower arm (l): 25th Destro
Legs: PoC Firefly
Gun: Star Wars Clone Trooper
''DESTRO's forces are on the move! DARKLON and his detachment of IRON GRENADIERS attack Cobra's temple hidden deep inside the rainforest to steal secret data files and discover COBRA COMMANDER's ultimate plan!''
At first, the Iron Grenadiers squad was only to be four Troopers. When we realized that our story worked better with 7 figures, I decided to add some members. I went back and forth about whom to include on the team. While browsing the net, I stumbled onto the Bronze Bombers version of Darklon called Crazeblaze. I immediately imagined him in Iron Grenadier colors. I had a WIP sitting around in my fodder pile, so I updated the recipe and everything came together nicely. I did not stick to Crazeblaze's color scheme, I made some adjustments and added some red to tie Darklon into the team.
Special thanks to G1Trekker for the filecard.