Head: VvV Crimson Guard with added monocle
Helmet: Resolute Cobra Trooper
Torso, upper arms: 25th Destro
Lower arms: 25th Iron Grenadier
Upper legs: 25th Zartan
Lower legs: RoC Neo Viper
Once we settled on a Mission Brazil Cobra team, we went back and forth about whom to include on the roster. We really wanted to make Major Bludd, but the caster that was to supply some of the parts to bucky did not deliver in time. Fortunately, we had a plan B. I quickly threw together Overlord with a similar recipe that I had used years ago for a Group Project. I modernized it a bit and gave it a color scheme inspired by the Club's 2006 version. Overlord is not a character that many people make customs of, so we liked the idea of including him in the set.
Special thanks to G1Trekker for the file card.