Head: Stalker 89 w/ Intoyz goggles
Chest: Alpine 85
Arms: Blizzard 88
Waist: Low-Light 91
Thighs: Crimson Guard Immortal 91 (slightly modified)
Lower Legs: Frostbite 93

Backpack: Recondo 84 (modified)
Duffel Bag: Hit & Run 88
Submachine Gun: Elite Force w/ added silencer
Grappling Hook Launcher: Alpine 85
Pick: Alpine 85
Knife: Alpine 85

Alpine was one of my favorite figures as a kid. How could you not love the guy: he looks cool, he's got a great specialty, and he came with tons of accessories. I wanted to remake him in a slightly more military uniform (as part of a team concept that I've been working on for quite a while), but I didn't want to lose the elements that made the original so great.

I really debated about the chest: I didn't want to copy the original exactly, but that chest is such an essential part of Alpine's character to me: the loose t-shirt underneath always gave me the impression that this guy didn't take things too seriously. So, I used the old Alpine chest, and tried to do something different with the rest of the parts. I liked the thick gloves on the 85 figure, and I always thought Blizzard's arms would work for a mountain trooper, so I used 'em. I thought a climber would have some kind of harness, so I found some lower-body parts with corresponding straps. The feet had those cool built-in crampons, so I definitely wanted to use them.

I've actually had Alpine finished for quite a while, but I was having trouble finding accessories for him. I wanted him to have as much gear as the original, and he needed someplace to store it. The duffel bag has a knife sheath, and I attached a piece from a Rope Crosser battle pack to the Recondo pack for some extra storage.

I'm pretty happy with the way this guy turned out. There's a pic of him in action at the bottom of the page.

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