Poc Firefly head
Retaliation Zartan webgear
Upper arms-Retaliation Snake Eyes
Lower Arms-RoC Para Viper
Torso-Upper:Retaliation Snake Eyes
Lower-25th Snake Eyes '89 Version
Upper legs-50th Torpedo
Lower Legs-Retaliation Snake Eyes with spikes added from a Batman toy
When the idea came for this figure, it was one of those ideas that hits you, and consumes your time. Once you have the idea in your head on what you want, you spend all night coming up with a recipe that works. The entire idea was built around that head. I wanted to use it, for something. I ruled out a space guy, and thought maybe a diver. A cobra diver. Then a named Cobra diver, with Hydro Viper colors. All of the sudden it's 1am in the morning. But I had a great time messing with this figure.
I enjoy making named characters based off of older army builders, and Kraken was no exception.
Filecard by Kilcarr