American Plastic Toys F-35 Lightning, Rubber Black and Smoky Tamiya spray paint, Gundam panel lining and weathering markers, Cobrastickers F-22 Skystriker stickers, Silent Strike stickers

Finally came across an American Plastic Toys F-35 Lightning jet on ebay, and customised it into a straightforward Skystriker homage as a wingmate for the F-22 ThunderStriker. The nose, tailfins and thruster were sprayed black, and the blue plastic canopy was painted with smoky paint for clear plastic. The Cobrastickers F-22 custom set were applied, followed by panel lining and weathering the body of the jet. Finally, Silent Stike stickers were applied to increase the amount of detail on the body of the jet, which is otherwise somewhat plain.

"The adoption of the High-Low strategy meant that when GI Joe began to replace the Skystrikers with the F-22 derivative Thunderwing, a cheaper and simpler multi-role fighter was needed.

Enter the F-35 derivative LightningStriker - developed out of the Joint Strike Fighter program to be deployed alongside the Thunderwing."

Thunder AND Lightning!

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