Head: Frag Viper v1
Body (except pelvis): H.E.A.T. Viper v2
Pelvis: Sci-Fi v1
Hands: Marauder Inc.
Feet: ? (some Japanese action figure)
Cobra Sticker: Reprolabels (I think)
Equipment: Frag Viper v1

When I saw Scarrviper's Letal LBC over on JoeDios, I knew I had to make one myself. I liked it so much, my custom wound up being slightly more ambitious than originally intended. But I tell ya, poseable wrists and ankles really do a lot for a figure. I'm so pleased with the results of this custom, I'm going to work on a second version of Letal too, and I already have a small army of Frag-Viper LBCs for him to lead.

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