Head: DTC Steel brigade
Torso, upper arms: 50th Flint
Lower arms, hands: 50th Shock Trooper
Legs: RoC Snake Eyes
Life vest: 30th Airtight modified
In the early 80's, Palitoy released a line of 3.75 inch figures based on their popular Action Man line from the 70s. Although the line included several repainted GI Joe figures and vehicles (like the VAMP, Fang, Mobat, Steeler, Stalker and Snake Eyes to name a few), most of the characters were made from 5 POA figures. These were divided into several sub-teams like SAS (Special Ops) and Z-Force (Infantry).
This is my 2nd version of Beaver. My first version was an LBC and I never liked the life vest. Fortunately, the theme for the last Custom Celebration (2016) was Action Man/Action Force and Hypnohustler made a great custom using Airtight's vest modified into a life vest. That inspired me to update my own custom.