Head - H.A.C.K.S blank (with GS sculpted hair, beard and eyepatch)
Torso & right hand - Sgt Thunderblast
Upper arms - Steelbrigade Delta
Bionic arm - ROC Flash
Lower right arm - 50th Shipwreck
Shawl, cape & lower legs - POC Dusty (additional GS sculpting to shawl)
Upper legs - Retaliation Roadblock
Rappelling Harness - 25th Snowserpent
Pouches, etc - Various Avacslab cast pieces

This is a custom I've wanted to do for a while, a true GI Joe scale Metal Gear Solid "Big Boss". The Kai Arts, Revoltech, etc MGS action figures are things of beauty, but I've yet to see one in 1/18th scale, and the fact that Joe and MGS blend so well together meant that this custom has been a mainstay on my to-do list.

On a personal level, it's nice when you actually see within yourself an advancement in your customising skill set. It was while doing this figure that I felt for the first time I finally had a grasp on both eye painting and hair sculpting. It's great to enjoy those aspects now rather than dreading them!

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