Head: Cast of GIJCC Arctic Mindbender
Torso and arms: HACKS
Upper Legs: RoC Neo-Viper
Lower Legs: Techno Viper with Winter Soldier feet
Belt and wristbands are dremeled off of a vintage Mindbender.
The Assault on Cobra Island Mindbender never even made it to my display. He immediately went into the "to improve" pile where he sat. I made a small attempt at one point, added some wristbands and such, but the base build really wasn't salvageable. With the advent of HACKS, I finally had a torso that had the look I wanted, and with the Club's new head there was actually parts that looked like, well, Sunbow Mindbender. Someday I'll finish up the rest of the parts I had set aside for him, give him his alternate labcoat look . . .