Randy "The Ram" Robinson
Finisher: the Ram Jam
Head: Iron Man Whiplash
Upper body: HACKS blank with eletrical tape
Legs: GIJCC Letal with eletrical tape decals
Smart phone: Marauder Inc
Knife: Sands of Time
Mickey Rourke from the movie the Wrestler. I just needed someone for Ronald McDonald to fight for the NJC pics and plopped the head on the HACKS body. Next thing I know I'm fiddling with Joe-ified version of the characters for funsies.
Long past his prime, Randy "The Ram" Robinson lives in trailer park and tries to make ends meet by working the deli counter during the day and working the extreme wrestling circuit at night. While gearing up for nostalgia fueled bout with his former feud, the Ayatollah, Randy tries to obtain some growth hormones from some Dreadnoks. In exchange for a year's supply, all he has to do is survive a no holds barred no surrender no kayfabe match against Road Pig for a fun filled night of entertainment. The Ram ended the night with his patented Ram Jam finisher. Of course, the growth hormones turned out to be bad leading Robinson to the emergency room right before his big match against the Ayatollah. The rest is history.