Head: 93 Vega (w/ no hair) (modified)
Torso: convention Mercer
Arms: 93 Guile or 91 Dusty
Waist & Legs: Slice v2 (modified)

Zen'aku is part of a ninja clan called The Brotherhood of the Sleeping Phoenix. His name means "Good and Evil"

I liked the Vega head, but hated the hair. My default Vega is a modified movie version, so once I got a junker 93 Vega, I went to work.

The hole in Vega's head that holds the hair's peg is very deep, almost the entire length of the head. I couldn't just leave a big hole there, so I cut off a peg from the knee joint of a Street Fighter movie edition Sagat, stuck it in the hole and dremeled it down until it "melted" and filled the hole. Not pretty, but effective.

Only other thing I did was remove all the decoration from Slice's waist and legs, as well as Vega's mask

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