Head, torso, waist - Krexx Radek custom sculpt
Arms - Zarana v4
Legs - Dogfight

Bat - Marauder Inc.
Gun - unknown

One of the more interesting characters to come out of the Devil's Due run of GI Joe comics was Zartan's daughter Zanya. She injected some new energy into the Dreadnoks, and her relationship with the aunt Zarana is fun. The basis of this figure is the wonderful parts (head, torso, waist) sculpted by Krexx Radek which bring the character to life. There was a fair bit of fiddly painting on this one, due to the stripes in her hair and the Dreadnok symbol on her shirt. The gun came from my fodder, I don't know where it's from but it reminds me of Zartan's pistol so I went with it.

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