Head, torso - Dial-Tone v5
Arms - Hawk v2
Waist, legs - Roadblock v2

Machine pistol - Marauder Inc.

In my Joeverse, Mego's Eagle Force and the Joes are connected, with Wild Bill as the link. That is, our favourite cowboy Mr. Hardy served under Captain Eagle in the Eagle Force before joining GI Joe. I see Eagle Force as a paramilitary organization that arose after the original GI Joe left the military to operate the Adventure Team, which left a hole to be filled by the Eagle Force. After a couple of years they disbanded, but their successes encouraged the US military to create the GI Joe team. I kept the gold colour for the Eagle Force uniforms because it looks pretty cool.

The Cat is a pretty straightforward custom, and has a weapon accurate to the original.

File Name: Weissini, Eric H.
Birthplace: New York, NY
Service Branch: Army
Grade: E-4 (SPC)
Primary MOS: Human Intelligence Collector
Secondary MOS: Parachute Rigger

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