Foam board, wood, stirring straws, weapon sprues, pins, screws, nails, lollypop light, doll house wood flooring, baseball card holders, styrene plastic, and a ton of 1/18 scale accessories either bought or made.
After looking at Cap's and General Hawk's diorama sets, I got the idea for a Dreadnok garage. At first I didn't think I could do it the way I wanted it and was going to commission Cap to make it for me. Whether he knew it or not Hawk convinced me to try it on my own first. Both helped were a tremendous help and source of inspiration.
For about a year I collected or scratch built (couch, table, tub, fire escape) everything it would need. The blueprints, if you can call all the sketches on napkins and post-its blueprints, had all kinds of play features, opening doors and windows, and details. There were many times when I was stuck on how to do something and asking myself what would Cap do?
The building of it took another year. I never knew architecture was so hard. If there is one thing I could pass on to anyone else from this it is to measure everything in every direction before cutting, while cutting, and after cutting. Eyeballing it will never work on something 3 dimensional where it all has to fit just right. I made a lot of mistakes and there are many things that would be changed if it could be done again from the beginning. I'm really glad I tried it and have "blueprints" for more.