Head, torso, upper legs - Jinx (head is modified)
Arms - Airtight
Waist - M Bison (Street Fighter)
Lower legs - Bushido (modified)
Sword, scabbard - Agent Jinx v2
Hook sword - Storm Shadow v18
For the Retaliation movie line, Hasbro released a version of Jinx (as "Kim Arashikage") in 2013, dressed in her yellow movie outfit. More versions of the few female Joe characters is always a good thing, so I wanted to reproduce this figure in the more correct, ARAH format. This would involve using yellow paint, of course, which in turn involves using an undercoat, so there was a lot of painting involved to achieve the desired colour. It turned out quite well, and I was able to reproduce the appearance and markings on her outfit with a pretty high degree of fidelity.