ME Zartan
ME Viper
Bane Head
nova cast Goggles
Toobz monkey
aviator cap (thanks pluv)

A lot can be said about BLUE-GYRE.
A lot has been said.
Only parts of it are true.

What is indisputable is his skill as a pilot. And the GYREJET underneath him widening the lead between him and the people beneath him. With FU MONKEY acting as a trained on-the-fly mechanic, he shouts into his mask mic and straight into FUM's ears to release some pressure on the number 2 engine or to tighten up whatever is rattling, FUM takes it in stride like he's Mr. Frosty. At The Heart Of It All, the GYREJET is a beautiful piece of machinery. Two intake jets on the front for the sake of maneuverability and two large humming engines on the back for that crucial burst of speed. It's definitely not meant to be piloted by any old Windowlicker. While one wonders why he trained a monkey to barely hang on and fix issues with the bike, you can't deny that his win record is anything less than ELITE.

"Ha Ha! Hee! Ain't that a sight?! Ya got that pilot crazy shouting at that dang monkey and he's all scramblin' about like a tick on a bird! Ha ha! Hoodee dang! I ain't seen nothin' like that before!"
-Butane Bob

props to KilCarr for help with BG Bio.

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