Body, Helmet, Visor (painted): 25th Comic 2Pack Hawk
Head: 2004 Comic Pack Short Fuze, hollowed out, painted, hair shaved down slightly
Weapon: M1 Mortar (25th Ultimate Battlepack Short Fuze, barrel hollowed out)
Rifle: M16 (almost any 2004 Comic 2Pack, modded strap from black twisty)
Webgear, Belt: Dollar General Duke
Backpack: 50th TRU 2Pack Lady Jaye

This figure is part of my GI Joe OG13 25th Classic Set, one of seven OG sets in my collection.

In looking at the group together and wanting a taller Hawk and a shorter Short-Fuze, I switched the bodies of the original 25th figures, repainting their secondary and accent colors accordingly.

Hasbro's reuse of the Doc head for their 25th figure wasn't a bad choice, and I went with it for a few years. But I always liked the 2004 Comic Pack version of the head, so it was dremeled and painted for use here.

The visor was painted black to play up different (but unified) colors for the set figures. The body was also painted a slightly different green than the rest of the figures for the same reason above.

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