Head: 2008 Baroness (single card) head, repositioned with hot glue
Body: 2007 Scarlett entire body, gloves and body suit details were cut off and/or sanded down.
Belt, shoulder pads and collar: sculpted with Aves Apoxie.
Paints: Citadel Enchanted Blue, Testors Flat Black, and (??) Gold.
This figure is part of my Cobra O13 1982 Set, a custom/kitbash companion/rival set for G.I. Joe "Original 13" of 1982, done in 25th and 30th Anniversary style (25th style in this figure's case).
In my early Cobra O13 sets, I had a HISS driver and matching FANG pilot, but later convinced myself that those 2 figures were more of 1983 concept for both comics and toys--and I was at that point firmly dedicated to a 1982 only set. As a result, I needed new fill ins and the blue Baroness made a lot of sense for this representative time period. This also seemed like a good opportunity to recreate the pre black leather uniform per the MASS Device cartoon and per the comics prior to the tragic HISS incident.
This would be my first attempt at working with a little sculpting material on Joe figures. Also, this figure may one day be updated to 30th Anniversary style or even MTF parts. But right now I am content using the 25th Scarlett parts to match up with my 25th OG13 Scarlett and having the streamlined body suit for this early Baroness incarnation (in contrast with the more sophisticated 1984 version).