Upper Body, arms,: Retaliation Kwinn
Legs Backpack, rifle: 25th Spirit
Head: Slaughter's Marauders Spirit
Ponytails: 50th Stiletto
Arm badges: Bad Mother Decals
Paints: Testors Dark Tan, AK Real Colors RC239 Air Superiority Blue
For a few years I had been wanting to do an update of a few of my favorite Joes from 83 to 87-specifically Duke, Roadblock, and Spirit from 1984. Spirit would be the last of these three to get the upgrade because I wasn't satisfied with the available head choices-mostly because the original 25th head was too small for the newer Kwinn torso I needed to get a taller figure.
Things changed when, near the end of 2018 Assembly Required, I saw RaginSpoon's cast of the JoeCon Spirit and AVAC's modded Spirit head with ponytails from Stiletto. I bought both heads with the idea of merging the two concepts for a definitive classic Spirit head.
For the rest of the figure, I followed Oreobuilder's lead using the upper body from the Kwinn figure, shaving down the shoulders so that the webgear could sit lower, and sculpting up a thicker neck to help blend the larger head and the wide torso-to give him a more heft.