Everything: '90 SAW Viper
My first go at Sonic Fighters included some new characters and existing characters, but lacked any straight repaints. While some of the figures were cool and found a permanent home in my collection, others ended up being re-purposed or scrapped entirely.
However, I wasn't done with Sonic Fighters quite yet. I wanted to make a new wave of Sonic Fighters more in line with the original assortment back in '90 and focus on cool repaints of existing figures.
Of all the Cobra's that could benefit from a repaint, the SAW Viper was at the top of my list. Since I was only planning on painting one version of this figure, I opted to make him an individual character as opposed to an army builder. This was easy to do since it was a SAW Viper that gained infamy killing several unarmed Joe's during the Benzheen War.
Bio below:
As Cobra's advanced weapons development program continues to make leaps and bounds in utilizing destructive laser technology, Cobra Commander taps some of his most distinguished troops with the honor of testing such equipment in the field. One such troop is an infamous SAW Viper, who garnered notoriety gunning for Joe's during a campaign in the Middle East.
Every Joe has heard of the SAW Viper, and every Joe wants a shot at him. When it was learned the SAW Viper was going to be testing Cobra's new rapid recycling squad support laser cannon with infra-red scanner and image intensifier, there wasn't a single Joe that didn't apply for a spot on the Sonic Fighters. If there were one Cobra more despised than the even the Commander, it'd be the SAW Viper.