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(figure|19428), Cobra Agent Midnight, Jogunwarrior

Head: '88 Toxo-Viper
Torso: '93 Clutch
Arms: '93 Mirage
Waist: '86 Lowlight
Legs: '87 Crystal Ball

Battle Corps introduced us to a slew of new characters as well as cool updates to existing one. While the majority of my expanded Battle Corps customs have revolved around updates to existing figures, I like to sprinkle in a few new characters here and there.

As cool as the army builders were, I always thought more named Cobra's were cool, and while a few of them were pretty out there, many of them were very cool. While we got a few characters early on, we didn't get many in the later years of the line. The idea here was to add a new individual character to the Battle Corps line up, and someone that could act as a direct foil to my Night Assault Beachhead.

Cobra agent Midnight is a new Cobra specialist. A former Night Viper, specializing in subversive nighttime operations. He's equipped with next generation image intensifier and night vision monocle. He's armed with an integrally suppressed 9mm PCC with laser dot sight.

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