Head: '89 Recoil
Torso: '85 Flint
Arms: '86 Hawk
Waist: '86 Hawk
Legs: '86 Haw
After deciding on the four existing characters who would make up my Special Mission Brazil set, I needed a Claymore Analog. Claymore was an original character to the first Special Missions Brazil set in '86, and was created using repainted existing parts. I knew I wanted to do something similar here, and finally realized I had the perfect figure already pieced together.
This figure was pieced together, heavily inspired by early promo images of the talking Battle Commander Hawk. He sat around in a WIP pile forever waiting to be painted. The colors used are based on that pre-production TBC figure, and it's those same colors that set the tone for my entire SMB line up.
"Tanglefoot has spent most of his military career carrying out clandestine operations in South America. Whether it was overthrowing unstable dictators, or running hears and minds campaigns with local rebel factions, Tanglefoot excelled in subversive operations behind enemy lines. His laid back, easy going, cool nature is disarming and makes him a trustworthy leader. After graduating from Notre Dame, he joined the army where he finished top in his class in jungle warfare training school, linguistics (fluent in Spanish, Portugese, Italian, and Dutch), and LRRP school."