Head and neck: Havoc (McFarlane Toys Fortnite series)
Chest, waist: Duke
Arms, legs: Firefly

Belt, binoculars, sidearm: Duke
Bandoliers: Snake-Eyes (grenades) and Duke (pouches)
Submachine gun: Mark2Design
Backpack: TGCcustoms

Despite my initial lack of interest in the Classified series, once I had Zartan I figured that assembling a Cobra Command group, say from 1982 to 1984, would be aa nice thing to have in my collection. Joining Zartan from 1984 here is Firefly, who needed a lot more work than the master of disguise. Accessories inspired from his iconic vintage gear are from Etsy shops. The Classified head sculpt had to go, it's just way too intense and angry. So the head from the Fortnite "totally not Firefly" figure is in its place. Stripped off the body armour and replaced the torso with Duke's to approximate Firefly's vintage look with two criss-crossed bandoliers. Camo pattern is modeled after the ARAH figure. The result is one of my favourite pieces I've done in some time.

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