Head: Cast
Body: MTF with sculpt

The Centurions are equipped with their exo-frames which allow them to call upon powerful assault weapon systems when they say the words "Power Extreme". They use their futuristic suits and weapons to battle Doc Terror and his evil henchman Hacker along with Terror's robot army. Doc Terror and Hacker are both cyborgs themselves and want to turn the entire human population into cyborgs controlled by Doc Terror.

The Centurions consisted of three members:

Ace McCloud "Daring Air Operations Expert".

Max Ray "Brilliant Sea Operations Commander"

Jake Rockwell "Rugged Land Operations Specialist"

Each member had their own specialty of land, air and sea. They had various assault weapon systems that became increasingly more powerful which the deployed depending on the situation.

I've included pictures of all of the Centurion customs along with pictures along side the vintage figures with the weapon systems laid out.

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