Head: Baroness
Torso: Black Major Tiger Force Skystriker
Arms: Firefly 93
Waist: Night Creeper or at least one like it
Legs: Wet Suit

I love the Baroness. It has to be said. When I started making a set of 12 Sky Patrol, 6 Cobra and 6 Joe, I decided each side needed a leader. The Baroness became my Cobra leader with the other mooks being new named characters.

Even though I love her, this is probably my first custom with her. She's hard to get ahold of! I like the Wet Suit legs for her- they're fairly slim and emulate her boots without being exactly the same. I've also seen people place her in the Wild Weasel torso and I liked how that looked. I saw a friend of mine do a flight suit version of her and I love it.

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