All Marauders Task Force Parts
This version of Knockdown was to be part of the 1995 G.I.Joe Ninja Commandos if the line had continued. The Ninja Commandos, I assume, were going to be a continuation or evolution of the Ninja Force. Members of the Commandos would have been Storm Shadow, Flint, Budo, Road Pig, and Knockdown.
Knockdown!? The Battle Force 2000 guy? What?!
The Ninja Commandos and a ninja Knockdown would have been an affront to good taste. Thank goodness the line was cancelled before this travesty was foisted upon innocent children.
The original prototypes for this figure do appear online and, I must say, it looks like it was the product of someone's fever dream. The colors are horrible, the design is arbitrary, even the eyes of the figure eschew all norms of form and function.
As acutely painful as this figure would have been had it been released, I felt I needed to create a Marauders version of this nightmare if only to show just how horrible this thing is.