Backpack: Original '92 Super Sonic Fighter Psyche-Out Figure
The Rest: Marauders Task Force Parts

Okay, now THIS is a great figure. It's simple, eye-catching, futuristic looking. The accessories are top notch. I really like the bright blue jumpsuit and the BORG-style helmet with antenna, eye and microphone attachments. Heck, you can even stick little radars on his bandolier! This Psyche-Out is an incredible improvement over the original version, Night Force version, and Tiger Force version. I love his black military-style boots and I think the silver pop of color is a good design choice. Psyche-Out's backpack and wire-attached radar is really a play set on its own. It's a superb addition to a great figure.
I simply can't do the figure justice with my paltry custom, but I like the original figure so much, I had to try my own version.

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