All Marauders Task Force Parts

I don't know much about the Oktober Guard. I never really cared about them much as a kid. They were the Russians. As a result, Oktober Guard is a bit of a blind spot for me as an adult. I don't really know who was all on the team or when some died or when others retired and all that. I really only recognize Colonel Brekhov and Horror Show by sight.
So when Red Star came out in 1991, I didn't pay much attention to him. I certainly didn't know that he was supposed to be the Oktober Guard Commander.
I have since found new respect for Red Star (and the Oktober Guard as a whole) since becoming a collector. I now find the original '91 figure to be quite successful. I like the uniform and mismatched camouflage overcoat and sand trousers. I think the blue cap and epaulettes is a smart choice, but my favorite part of Red Star is his striped "telnyashka"blouse. The blue & white striped undershirt is a staple of the Russian military. It originated in the Russian navy as a way of more easily spotting soldiers during twilight or if a man falls overboard.

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