Head: One DCIH- Lex Luthor, one 25A Destro
Chest/back, skirt: Star Wars- Grand Moff Tarkin
Arms: NS Dusty
Waist, legs, skirt: DCIH- Gotham Swat Officers
Rifles: Marauder
Red Shadows Trooper
Advanced Training
Red Shadows
Head: One DCIH- Lex Luthor, one 25A Destro
Chest/back, skirt: Star Wars- Grand Moff Tarkin
Arms: NS Dusty
Waist, legs, skirt: DCIH- Gotham Swat Officers
Rifles: Marauder
Whoever designed the Devil's Due version of the Red Shadows did a nice job. Almost two decades out, the Devil's Due Red Shadows (DDRS) uniform has become forgotten by most. After all, the Devil's Due run never felt like a true successor to or continuation of the Marvel run, although Brandon Jerwa did get much closer than Josh Blaylock. On top of that, the traditional Palitoy Red Shadows troopers in their not-quite Nazi uniforms trigger a kind of menace that's hard to replicate.
The DD RS uniform didn't stick, but like an unappreciated movie (I'm looking at you, 2007 Ghostrider!), it's better than it gets credit for. In this uniform, the RS wore masks that were very form fitting- more like when 70's bank robbers wore nylons over their heads. The uniforms also had heavy padded collars/neck armor and knee-length long coats. Otherwise, the uniforms were similar to the old Palitoy Red Shadows Troopers.
The figures aren't 100% faithful to the DD design, but are heavily influenced by it.
The heads are simply two different bald guy heads. The center panel of the tunic lines up perfectly with the flap on the skirt. The skirt could be a bit longer to better match the DDRS design, but these are pretty good.
For those of you who are fussy about continuity, the DDRS could be considered to be "Red Shadows Elite", as Kwinn_Lives named his. An elevated or specialized trooper compared to the standard one. This lets them get be grafted onto existing RS lore instead of existing only in the Devil's Due continuity.
Colors & Paints:
Red and black, of course. The eye sockets were wet painted black, then recoated with a red wash.
Sculpting & Modifying:
The ice cube tray buttons on the Star Wars Imperial tunic were removed.
The eye sockets were filled with epoxy, and then dented to create a more "eye socket" like look. The knee pins were filled with epoxy. Epoxy sculpting also creates the detail on the pants on the waist part.
Thanks for looking.