Helmet/Head: G.I.Joe 50th Anniversary Cobra Commander
Shirtfront: Dime Novel Legends
The Rest: Marauders Task Force Parts

I am of the philosophy that the very last thing this world needs is yet another V1 Cobra Commander action figure. Yet here we are...another hunk of light blue plastic with a snake emblem adding to the net negative of the world.
I gave myself a mandate almost 4 years ago. I wanted, to the best of my ability, to recreate absolutely as many G.I. Joes as possible using Marauders Task Force parts. I've got just a little over 200 done. I kept postponing making the classic helmeted and hooded Cobra Commanders because there are just so daggum many versions of him that he bores me. One interesting thing about the Original Cobra Commander that I feel that has not been utilized nearly enough is CC's Marvel comics unmasked disguise from issue #55. In that issue he is on the lam with Destro and they need to lay low. Conveniently, the two men find themselves in the "Flip Your Wig" costume shop. Cobra Commander steals some clothes and theatrical accessories: a pair of John Lennon glasses, a Fu Manchu mustache, a red beret, and a ponytail wig. Trying to recreate this disguise was the main reason for me completing this custom. I did, however, update the disguise just a bit. I didn't give my custom a ponytail as I feel it to be very dated. I mean, gag me with a spoon, am I right? I also just used a MTF head with stock sunglasses.

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