Hands: Shattered Glass Autobot Goldbug
All other parts: Transformers Legacy Autobot Goldbug

Gun: Legends Skids

The Transformers Legacy version of Goldbug uses gold plastic all over, except for the hands, which are blue to match his head. Presumably this was done to break up the colour scheme a little bit. But the original 1987 toy had no hint of any blue colour on the arms or hands - of course, the toy was so simple that it's hard to even say it had arms or hands. But since the Shattered Class version of Goldbug (which is mostly black) had gold hands, an easy parts swap suggested itself here. Definitely the easiest custom I've ever done. Just so the parts swap wouldn't be the only custom thing about it, I also chromed a spare gun and gave it to Goldbug, so that he wouldn't just have the same weapon that every version of this mold comes with.

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