Head: Custom Cast Part
Spiked Mace: Boss Fight Studios Barbarian Accessory
Bandolier: G.I.Joe 25th Anniversary 2008 J.U.M.P. Duke
The Rest: Marauders Task Force Parts
This custom came about simply because I got sick and tired of having this particular head in my parts bin. That head was the very first freebie I ever got when I started customizing three-or-four-some-odd years ago (fun fact: the very first custom I ever did was a Sonic Fighters Rock N Roll with an extra Retaliation Joe Colton body). The head came in clear resin, so I had to paint the guy just to find out what he really looked like. Even after painting the head, I neither had any who he was nor any idea what I could do with it. Cut to the present. I was just about to throw the head away. I figured I would go through YoJoe.com to see if there was ANYbody that I could use this head for. Dreadnok Crusher came close. I figured close was good enough.