Head - Falcon v1
Chest, waist and legs - Cloudburst
Arms - Stormshadow v2
Jacket - Serpentor (whichever one comes with yellow jacket)
Sword - Stormshadow v2? Not sure

Sorry for the long blurb, you all serve as a major inspiration to me so please allow me to pass on this sincere message from me and my LBC's to YOU, the mind-blowingly talented, resourceful and in many cases hilarious genius artists who have marked these grounds: [Wayne and Garth drop to their knees] We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We're scum, we SUCK! Man, I've been kit-bashing for a couple years and doing these low-level paint-pen-hatchet-jobs for eighteen months in a vacuum thinking I'm the most creative supra genius in the world, then I stumbled onto this site and I was...shamed. I look at these prolific artists like JogunWarrior and KwinnLives and Past Nastification (and so many other gold-standard contributors) and I have nothing but eye-widening reverence, inferiority and a bit more ambition than I had before. Wow. Just. Wow. I'm stupid, you're smart. You're the best, I'm the worst. You're very good looking...I'm not..attractive. Really though, reading posts on this site is nostalgic and hilarious like watching peak seasons of Family Guy. Well met, sirs.

Bio: Although not born into the Arashikage line, when he married Kim Arashikage (Jinx), Falcon became eligible for induction. It took his body some time to catch up, his martial arts languished for years until Jinx successfully taught him the Blind Master's technique. When he removed his blindfold after twelve months in complete darkness (okay now this is starting to sound like Arya Stark's storyline / Therapist: Is this Good Will Hunting? Because it sounds a lot like the plot of Good Willing Hunting... Dale: No. Anyway, my best friend is Ben Affleck...) back to the story! When he removed his blindfold, Falcon was a different level of fighter. After defeating her in just four moves, she removed her father's blade from her back, the one she'd carried every day since his death, and handed it to Falcon. Falcon could feel a power simmering beneath the grip, this was one of the twelve ancient relics from the Old Clan. Will he use it topple his rival on the master council and take his place as its new Grand Master, continuing to operate in the shadows beneath the yolk of Cobra? Or will he find a way to remake the Arashikage clan in the image of GI Joe?

I painted this head because it had paint damage on it and still does somewhat. Smudges are okay with me (audible gasps from the audience), I often overlook flaws as "battle damage" etc (unconvinced whispers from the audience). Just his hat was darkened and a small goatee added to age him a bit. I don't know if that's snooze-level LBC for you highly-skilled mofos but I love it as is (audible crickets from the audience).

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