Head chest and cloak - Mindbender
Arms - Gnawghyde
Legs and waist - Shadow or Astro viper
Weapons - sometimes he carries a sword but he's one of those prideful types who doesn't carry weapons usually

Dissatisfied with the results of the endlessly prosaic Serpentor, Dr. Hojo Kabuto Mindbender has injected himself with the Jenova Cells uh I mean Orochimaru's cells no still wrong I mean DNA of Sargeant Slaughter and many other historical figures. There! That's the right throughline. The Doctor has perfected the process and optimized his own corporeal form with a harmonious balance of the greatest warriors and minds that ever lived. Unrivaled strength, peerless intelligence and eons of muscle memory programmed into every cell on a genetic level. His crystalline eyepiece hosts advanced telemetry sensors - it sees more than you can imagine.

The Doctor freed himself of Cobra's clutches long ago. Now he runs his own private industrial-grade facility free of any constraints, experimenting on who and what he wants. He's amassed vast riches selling scraps to the highest bidder but his greatest treasures are the people he's collected and subverted. He commands a legion of Mindbender's Freaks which consist of enhanced BAT droids, cyborgs and reanimated Joe corpses. Crystal Ball had the gall to try and hypnotize the Doctor once (a census-taker tried to test him once) and woke up the next day with his head attached to a broken-down BAT prototype. True story. Crystal B.A.T.'s been begging the Doctor to fix him ever since or at least kill him, it's actually become quite tiresome.

Please just kill me today! begged Crystal B.A.T.

Very well, if you don't bother me again for the rest of the day, I'll kill drop you into this cage with a hungry toxo zombie.

You mean it? You won't take it away again? Please merciful master, I'm ready, end my miserable life!

You JUST bothered me! Now I won't be able to kill you for at least another week.

So sorry, Crystal B.A.T., you'll probably have to live out your days ingesting a glucose solution into the back of your skull via tube like Cliff in Doom Patrol. I love Mindbender, as a leader of an entire faction in my verse, he's a very difficult kill. So he deserves a chance to be presented as a boss-level warrior with brawler arms and legs. His original skinny arms are more suitable for a Baroness LBC (hm great idea, note to self). The shadow viper pants are thick, that's pure muscle under there! You think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the face while he's wearing those bad boys? Forget about it. He's an unpainted lazy bastard custom, but that's Perfected Mindbender for you, still enjoying mind games and tinkering with the laws of nature. This post was inspired by those hilarious prior submissions of various Crystal Ball and Mindbender mashup figures, those were so good.

In the not-great pics, you might spy a Hit-n-B.A.T. who's looking a bit pale, an invisible man hitching a ride in the elevator, a robotech getting bothered by Overkill guard to upgrade his weapon. In fact, isn't that Duke who went missing from a Tiger Force mission three months ago? And there's a friendly bout between experiments. Very competitive for the Doctor's affection, the Freaks.

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