Head, body: DCIH- Supergril
Hands: Star Wars- Padme
Top of boots: Captain America- Hydra Soldier arm bands
Feet: ARAH Zarana
Tawnia Baker
The A-Team
Stepping into the role of reporter/contact/assistant-to-the-team left open by Amy Amanda Allen (aka "AAA"), Tawnia Baker appeared in several episodes before disappearing like her predecessor.
Design/Colors & Paint:
Actress Marla Heasley wore flattering 80's outfits in each appearance. Here the look isn't intended to represent any particular episode. The pinkish orange sweater with white jeans fits in with the color scheme of the day, while not looking out of place today either.
The Supergirl head has the perfect haircut, and the athletic body works for the character.
Sculpting & Modifying:
As always, the DCIH hands and feet had to be replaced to correct proportions and shape issues. Some new hair flips are added to the front of the head, and I successfully fought the urge to make the hair "bigger". Arm band snippets from a Hydra Soldier bullet band make the tops of the boots. Epoxy smooths out the undersized midriff, cape attachment points, knee pins, and boots.
Thanks for looking.