Helmet: Vintage G.I.Joe Deep Six V2 Accessory
Head: G.I.Joe Dollar General Duke
Neck Attachment: Custom Cast Part
Backpack: Star Wars POTF2 Sandtrooper Accessory
Gun/Codpiece/Legs: Joy Toy
The Rest: Marauders Task Force Parts

This figure!

This figure has been a thorn in my side for ages now. It has been, by far, the figure with the longest time between inception and completion. This figure has been in the works for several years. There have been countless starts and stops and do-overs. I have gone back to the drawing board more times than I can remember. As a result, what you see here is not an example of me finishing a figure custom, but an example of me stopping a figure custom. For my own mental health, I have had to throw my hands up and yell "I QUIT!"

Even relating the story of how this figure was made makes me sad, so I will say...it was hard.

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