All parts: Classified Scrap-Iron
Helmet: Classified Scrap-Iron
Sidearm: Vintage Scrap-Iron (1984)

Cobra Anti-Armor Specialist

The only Classified toys I have decided to include in my collection are Cobra Command characters released between 1982 and 1984. I started with Zartan and a fully-custom Firefly, then Major Bludd and Doctor Venom. The goal is to get them as close as possible to their vintage appearances. This means only minor work was required for Scrap-Iron here: clear varnish on most of his helmet to make it shiny, black paint on the knee and elbow pads, and burgundy paint for his boots (the most important bit). A few other small details got some colour as well. I prefer the weapons to match their vintage look as well when possible, so on a lark I tried Scrap-Iron's original pistol form 1984 (knowing that it was very large and out-of-scale for the original figure) and it fits in the Classified figure's hand perfectly! Like it was specifically made for it. It's now in scale with the figure. This did necessitate some modification to the holster so that it would fit.

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