Helmet: Custom Cast Part
Backpack: World Peacekeepers
The Rest: Marauders Task Force Parts

Sky Patrol was way after my time collecting G.I.Joe. I remember I had a job at a toy store in the mall (this was a time before our city had it's own Toys R Us) so I was still regularly exposed to G.I.Joe at the time, but I was just a spectator.
We were actually a small satellite store. As such, we never carried any Sky Patrol figures, BUT sometimes I was needed at the main toy store at the main mall and that store definitely had Sky Patrol. I was underwhelmed at the Sky Patrol figures but I was very impressed by the Sky Patrol vehicles.
That story has NOTHING to do with this entry. Just filling space. I guess what I really mean to say is that Sky Patrol never really meant much to me. Having said that, Airborne seems to be a popular character, so I figured I would give him a shot

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