Helmet: Custom Cast Part
Backpack: Random Chap Mei Figure
The Rest: Marauders Task Force Parts

One of my favorite parts of making Joes from Marauders Task Force parts is trying to recreate the more obscure versions in the line-up.
While looking through the Joe catalog, I came across the 1997 version of the Alley Viper. It looked a bit silly, but I knew it could be replicated fairly easily. Now, I know the 1987 Alley Viper uses the more bat-like helmet made famous by version 2. I like Alley Viper V2 as much as the next guy, but whenever possible, I prefer the more iconic, "face-shield" version 1 helmet, so I used that helmet here.
When I was ordering the helmet from the caster, I forgot to ask for it to be cast in black, but it turned out to be a happy accident as I prefer the white helmet on this figure.
I painted the white camouflage and some of the gold (brass) accents and called it a day. It's one of the very few times that you will see me show any love to the 1997 Joes.

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