All Marauders Task Force Parts

This is a simple kitbash/LBC.

I'm not the biggest fan of Barrel Roll. I think the name is stupid, for one. Now, I concede that he is one of the standout characters of the New Sculpt era, but, honestly, I don't see what the big deal is.

The description for Barrel Roll says he is a high altitude marksman. What the heck does that mean? He flies around all day in a glider taking potshots at Cobra troops? Wouldn't they have low altitude marksmen firing at the only thing in the sky for miles around?

The main reason I made this guy is for the silly jetpack. I got the idea when I was playing airport with my young son. He had a toy 747 and I thought, "Now that is REALLY high altitude." So, with my son's permission, I took one of the plane engines off and stuck it in an MTF jetpack, making it woefully overpowered and would allow Barrel Roll to fly above the clouds where there is little air and freezing temperatures.

Anyway, I decided to do a Version 2 Barrel Roll as I just liked the red shirt better.

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