Helmet: Custom Cast Part
Oxygen Mask: G.I.Joe 25th Anniversary Blowtorch Mask (Modified)
The Rest: Marauders Task Force Parts
I am no fan of the original Windmill. The colors on the figure are atrocious and the headsculpt is decidedly simian. And that helmet! Good lord, cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Okay, so…why did I make a kitbash of Windmill? To tell you the truth, I wanted to practice making an MTF (Marauders Task Force) jacket. To make such a jacket, you have to split an MTF torso, switch out the upper arms for arms that match the color of the upcoming jacket, then glue the torso back together with the new arms. Separately, you need to slide an MTF coat-vest (this one happened to be a white coat-vest) onto the torso and try to paint the vest the same color as the new upper arms of the torso.
And also, I wanted to try to make Windmill less goofy. The crude looking oxygen mask is a whittled-down 25th Anniversary Blowtorch mask. I just hot-glued it on so I could remove it later.