All Marauders Task Force Parts

This is a simple kitbash/LBC. Only Shimik's mustache and holster have been painted.

I know very little about the International G.I.Joes, especially from Brazil and Argentina. I have, however started researching the figures made overseas. Other than the U.K. Tiger Force figures, I guess I know the "Argen 7" best.

So far, I have made kitbashes of Cobra Mortal, Glenda, Manleh, T.N.T., and now Shimik.

Weirdly, the file-card for Shimik REALLY wants you to know that he is also known as "Cat Eyes". The file-cards are very short, but that Cat Eyes alias is referenced three times.

So, Cat Eyes here is a very simple kitbash. The original vintage Shimik was just a repaint of the 1982 Rock 'N Roll body and 1982 Grunt head with a mustache painted on.

The "Ajani" style head that I chose for my figure is very new to the Marauders Gun Runners website and I like it much better than another comparable head style that has an actual mustache. Also, I chose a T-Shirt style torso as opposed to the vintage "fatigues" torso. Original Shimik has silver crossed-over ammo belts. I chose the looped ammo belt as it is larger and makes my Shimik look (along with the muscular arms) much more substantial.
Lastly, the original Shimik had a 1982 Stalker machine gun. I chose the much larger M240 Bravo heavy machine gun to hammer home that Shimik is meant to be a larger man a la Roadblock.

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