Head: 25A Snake-Eyes (radioactive)
Neck: 3D printed adapter (ARAH swivel to pop-off)
Chest/back: '82 Stalker
Arms: '84 Ripcord
Waist: '83 Duke
Legs: ?? Alley Viper
Timber: '85 Snake-Eyes
Arm pouches and webgear pouch: push molds from Resolute Cobra Soldier vest
Leg pouches: push mold from ROC Para-Viper harness


Depicted in a recolor-deco for a 1983 sticker sheet, Snake-Eyes' all black motif was replaced with a green top and camouflage trousers. I needed a Snake-Eyes to replace the traditional black version that was included with Kenner's Stars & Stripes Forever set for my custom set. It also carries some Classified Series elements with it, like including timber with the traditional commando look. And the red turtleneck from Marvel.

So this ends up being a Stars & Stripes Forever / Hallmark Sticker Sheet / Classified Series / Marvel fusion.


Snake-Eyes gets the Hallmark sticker deco, plus the red turtleneck. .

I used the 25A Snake-Eyes head because it's so much better than the '82 head. The original Snake-Eyes head, in my opinion, just hasn't held up that well over the last 42 years. The goggles' lens is left unpainted, showcasing the clear orange of the "radioactive" Sunbow-style head. It doesn't look like a fantastical element here, but is still visually interesting.

The neck is an adapter piece from Cults3D and it is fantastic. 3D printed for me by a friend, this piece allows me to use "pop off" heads with ARAH bodies. It's amazing.

The Ripcord arms a bit beefier than the '82 arms. The Alley Viper legs match the artwork much better than the original Snake-Eyes legs would have. The knee pads are an added element to the custom, but they don't hurt the overall look.

And a red collar as a nod to early Marvel.

Thanks for looking.

About Timber:

Timber was not included with the Stars & Stripes Forever Set, and technically shouldn't have been as Hasbro/Kenner was aiming to re-deco the OG13 figures.

But, as I see it, can you really have Snake-Eyes without Timber? Nope.

Timber is repainted in darker colors, with some brown fur around the face and middle of the limbs. He also gets the black top stripe of the Sunbow animation, balanced out against a light tan wash across all the fur. The result is a more naturalistic sidestep away from Timber's typical bodyside light grey.

Painting Timber's eyes has to be done the incorrect way to look right on the figure. If it were a drawing, a wolf's eye would be a black triangle with a colored circle in the middle. That would be the right stylistic approach to capture what wolf eyes look like, with the whites of the eyes usually obscured- and one that could be done in sculpt as well. However, the eyes on the figure were sculpted more like human eyes, so I painted them yellow with a black dot in the center. Unrealistic, but it works.

Sculpting and modifying:

In addition to smoothing the neck, epoxy fills the shoulder/elbow rivets and the thigh screw insets.

Thanks for looking.

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