Hands: Boss Fight Studios Green Female Horizontal Hands
Assault Rifle: G.I.Joe Walmart Retro Collection Cobra Officer
The Rest: Marauders Task Force Parts
Except for the initial Marvel G.I.Joe comics 1 through 255, I don't follow any other G.I.Joe continuity, so I have no idea if Crimson Asp was ever brought into the continuing story. That being said, I can see Cobra bringing in another saboteur if Firefly moved on to being an Arashikage Master.
Now, I believe the 2013 Collector's Club Crimson Asp figure was just a repaint of the Baroness with the legs of Agent Helix and, while I think that looks fine, she looks a little too ceremonial, too buttoned-up. Plus the original figure came with a flamethrower. Again, perfectly fine, but I don't automatically think of saboteurs as flamethrowers. I think of them using explosives. I felt that if I were to do a Crimson Asp custom, she would look more tactical. I decided to forego the high collar, and long skirt of the Collector's Club figure and give her an armored vest and camouflage (more akin to Firefly). I placed the C4 explosive bundles on her vest to give her the feel of someone who might have a dead-man's switch. The head that I chose is my absolute favorite female head (kudos to whoever sculpted it). I just added a small eye-patch and she is ready to wreak havoc whenever Firefly is unavailable.