Head: Barricade v1
Torso: Skidmark v1
Arms: Freefall v1
Waist/Legs: Blaster v1

All data on "Scrap-Iron"'s real identity is listed: UNKNOWN
Primary Military Specialty: Anti-Armor
Secondary Military Specialty: Research and Development

It is believed that Scrap-Iron is a product designer for Alexander McCullan's divisions of Military Armament Research Systems. Also believed is that he carries out all inital field testing on all armor-piercing munitions and sub-munitions. Scrap-Iron's area of specialization is remote-launched, laser-guided, rocket-propelled piezo-electric fused anti-tank weapons. These weapons are catagorized beyond the "Smart" stage and are known by the nomenclature "Brilliant."*

Scrap-Iron is presently wanted for the murders of Candy Appel, the "Soft Master", and an unidentified cab driver in the eighties.

*Current State-of-the-art Mil-Tech Terminology

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