SW Death Star
TerrorDrome Computer
General Computer
Various Parts to make Radar Dish
Inserts: File Folders, GI Joe Images and real military radar pic, old fortress wall pic
Cobra Commanders Throne: Star Trek Bridge/Capt. Kirks Chair
Cobra Temple is the ultimate place for hashing out terror plots against GI Joe and the world. In the style of many stone fortresses built over thousands of years, Cobra Commander constructed a fortress of stone on the outside but a technological marvel on the inside. With satellite radar, surface to air missiles, 40 mm gatling guns and a howitzer canon it is well defensed. Not to mention the Crimson Cobra Troopers inside. This truly is a place for "The Great Snake to Rule Forever."
I built this playset to house my 2002 Convention Crimson Strike Team which is my favorite convention set of all. I added the Crimson Royal Guard and Cobra Commander from several years back and then created a Crimson Major Bludd to round out the cast. I built this using a 1978 Star Wars Death Star missing many pieces. I printed my own inserts using fortress rock wall picks of 1000 plus year old castles and temples. Then I printed the other side with a military radar pic and some GI Joe classic images imposed on computer screens. I also printed some Cobra recruiting posters and stuck them on the back of the elevator tower. I modified the original gun with a howitzer cannon and added a radar dish to it. I built the radar dish on the top using pieces I had left over from many Joe projects. The cover between the base supports was built from a broken piece off a Terrordrome I restored and kept for just such an occasion. I modified it with an exacto knife, glue and some pieces of file folder. I also printed some custom Cobra decals for the original bottom supports.